thoughts behind making a website


Over the past months I got to realize - making a website for yourself is not easy! It's never perfect, you always think something is missing and sometimes I even asked myself if anyone will actually go there and read all the stuff I was stressing about for the last couple of months. So I was really postponing it for some time.

I was torn between wanting to grow my small business and taking it to the next level on one side, and lacking self esteem on the other. Maybe this is something I should not talk about as a creator of a brand trying to make it, it doesn't really sound like a motivational message. But I also think a lot of us feel that way when trying to put ourselves out there. There is already a pool of people doing the same thing. There are already many of them with more experience, and many that started way before. It is not uncommon to think: hey, maybe there is not enough space for one more. But every day other successful people prove us wrong. Every day we have new amazing brands, writers, educators who get to people and manage to make a living out of their passion. That point of view certainly was motivational to me. So in the end, I do believe that there is one more place for me. That's why I do all of this. And don't get me wrong, I love it! I just wanted to put my internal struggles into words. At the end of the day, if my goal was not to enjoy my work and feel fulfilled by it, I would not have had these struggles. I prefer this to feeling unhappy and with no purpose. So I am ok with it.

I love going to the studio. I love creating. I love being free. And the idea of doing this for a long time and being able to make it a full time job makes me so happy and motivates me to overcome all the problems I have on the way.

Would I be able to keep going alone with no support? Probably not. Some people would do well, some wouldn't. But I think all of us can benefit from it. Having help and appreciation from people around me made everything much easier and made me try things I never knew I was capable of. 

Back to the website talk. A few days ago a friend told me: "you’ve been talking about that website for so long and nothing is happening". And it made me realize that I have to click that button and publish it even if it's not the most perfect website in the world. I would love to put myself out there more, with all the scariness and doubts that follow me. So here we go, I am doing it!

It's certainly not a finished thing and I can see it evolving over time. But for now, I think it will do a good job telling my story and making my ceramics more available and easy for people to get their hands on them.

Hope you enjoyed this summary of thoughts. If anyone felt related, I would love to hear your story so hit me up.

Thanks for reading!

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